Well, it was a relaxing day today. I had my dance session today, but had to stop because of a terrible headache that I developed half way through it. Thanks to that, I also had to cancel my gym and pool plans. Oh well...I'll go tomorrow. Instead, for the rest of the day, I watched movies. I recorded one of my favorite movies: Cruel Intentions. The plot is wonderful and Ryan/Joshua are adorable. I'll let you enjoy him for a second...
# posted by Liz : 8:18:00 PM
Well, I woke up this morning at 8am to see the FIFA World Cup 2002 Soccer Game. The United States played against Poland and beat them 3 - 1. But, since Korea beat Portugal, the United States is still on the board and is not out of the rank yet. They play Mexico next so I pray that they'll do well.
Isn't this a pretty picture of a rainbow? I love it!!
*sigh* Finally after a year, I finally made time to go to the gym. I worked out and I feel so much better. When I finished, I jumped in the pool. I'm feeling really soar, but it makes me so happy to feel my muscles again. I'm going again tomorrow. I love the YMCA! They are so friendly and always super clean. I feel so comfortable there.
# posted by Liz : 9:02:00 PM
Today is my dad's birthday! He's turning ##. He's so sweet and deserves a great birthday. I'm going to treat him to a wonderful dinner. I can't wait! Right now he is working hard.
I just got back from my last day of Driver's Education. I learned that driving without sleep and driving drunk has the same effects. That's kinda scarey because I hardly sleep at all during the week. *looks at car worried*
I get a nice three day weekend before I start my next class on Monday. I'm going to take Team Sports next session. I'll tell you more about it once I take it. I hear it's a lot of physical education stuff - outside *screams*. Oh well, as long as I get another credit...after next summer, I'll need only 1 credit to graduate. Maybe I can do them over the internet. I can't wait to graduate!!! *jumps*
# posted by Liz : 12:18:00 PM
Today in Driver's Education, we did absolutely no driving. We came in and he announced that we had to do 17 chapter 'Review Its', 'Tests', and worksheets. So basically all I did was bookwork all day. It was so incredibly boring!
I love music. I love acting. I love singing. I love dancing. I love musicals: they combine music, acting, singing, and dancing! I was involved with the last school play called "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying". It was a comedy/musical/drama. It was so much fun to do and see how it developed.
# posted by Liz : 4:23:00 PM
Hey surfers! Wow...I really love this blogger thing. I've been inspired by many wonderful sites to make my own blog. I'm going to try it out for a while. I just hope my life is interesting enough for you all to laugh and enjoy about!
I know I should be working on Photographic Kennelz right now, but I'm really not in the mood. I am currently working on a remodel for it. I am so excited about it. I wanted to do a lot of things and it took me a lot of hunting through script sites to find everything I needed. I feel like it's going to look even better than I imagined it.
×Random Stuff ×
I took my final exam today in my Driver's Education Class, and got a 100%. [whooo hooo!]. Now, not only does my insurance cost go down by a whole lot, but I also don't have to take the driving test at the Motor Vehicle place. My teacher gave me a pink slip, and that is my ticket to freedom baby!! *jumps around* What kind of car do you want? I'm looking foward to a silver jetta!
Eeek, ok... *looks dorkishly around*. There's no serious boyfriend right now. But there's definitely a serious crush. I can't use real names, just because this is on the internet *smile*. I know it's not very likely, but just in case, I don't want him surfing around and suddenly finding my site saying how much I adore him. Ha! I can see the look on his face already. *sighs as she thinks about ~^HIM^~* *snap* Whoa, ok, sorry...I had a moment there. I see him all the time, and I always feel like when we're talking, he's checking me out. I don't know if that's exactly a good or bad thing. I mean, I'm flattered, but I don't want him to be pushy. Hmmm... this is the first guy the my best friend ever told me to forget. She doesn't seem to like him very much, and I try not to like him, but the more I look at him, the cuter and more helplessly adorable he gets! What's a girl to do?!?
I absolutely love the show "Who's Line is it Anyway?". My favorite actor is Ryan Stiles. He's the best; I find him very attractive for some reason. I don't know, but there's something about him. *thinks about the weirdness of it* ...he's like 43. LOL. Oh well.... Anyway, I use to have a thing for X-Files, and this weekend I found a few sites that combined Ryan Stiles and X-Files. You can only imagine how crazy I went. There's actually someone as wacky out there as I am! LOL! Ha! Here is the one that I bookmarked: [Stiles For Files]
# posted by Liz : 4:06:00 PM