I worked on my remodel for Photographic Kennelz all day. I want to get it done, but I keep finding more and more things that I want to redo. So before I know it, another hour goes by and I barely have anything done. LOL....oh well, I should have it up by tomorrow.
Speaking of sites, I want to give a little shout out to Paulette over at Paulette's Petz. She is now my new sissy site over at PK. *claps and hugs* Welcome to the family Paulette! [P.S. » I want your car!]
Ok, my knee is a little better now that I've managed to keep ice on it all day. I also took nine Advils like the doctor ordered, and walked the least amount possible that I could. I hope I get better soon! I want to go bowling on Monday but my wrist hasn't improved at all!
I'm thinking about starting a Ryan Stiles site. Well, maybe I already started it....hehe.....Hmmm...I'm letting this obsession thing get out of hand. lol...that's why I'm planning on working on it with a friend. I figure she'll knock some sense into me when it gets out of hand. Hopefully, it'll be ready to display soon!
# posted by Liz : 9:42:00 PM
Well, yesterday I saw The Bourne Identity once again. It gets better every time I see it. I understood a lot more of the little things in the beginning too. Everything they say makes more sense when you know what they're talking about. My friends loved it too. They all agreed that it was the best movie that has been out for a really long time. The drama, suspense, and action make it a wonderful two hours. I never want it to end!
I just came back from seeing the new Adam Sandler movie, Mr. Deeds. It was excellent and hilarious. I really enjoyed it.
My knee, on the other hand, isn't doing too well. I'm having to wear this brace on it to help the pain. I am taking a total of nine Advils a day, like the doctor ordered, and I have to put ice on it constantly to help the swelling. I am worried because of the Bowling Tournament on Monday and the Ice Skating on Tuesday. It's really hard to do both when you have little use of your wrists and legs. I hope I get well soon!! I can't stand pain... *frowns at pain*
I did my report and essay for my first summer reading book, Their Eyes Were Watching God. It was an ok book. It was kind of hard to understand at parts because of the way that it's written, but I was able to BS a decent report. I'll be looking foward to knowing my grade for it. My next summer reading book is The Great Gatsby. I hear they made a movie based on the book, so I'm planning to rent it as soon as I'm done reading it. It might help me see and understand better; even though, so far it's a pretty easy book to follow along with. If anyone has comments on either books, write it in the comment section below! I'd love any info/questions on it.
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# posted by Liz : 3:14:00 PM
*smile* Today was such an easy day in class. I didn't have to do any sports or running around. Unfortunately, I can't really do anything else because my knees and wrist hurt so bad. I hope it goes away soon.
I'm planning to go see the Bourne Identity again tomorrow. I saw it last Friday and LOVED it. Matt Damon is so cute...I'll let you stare at him for a while. =o)
# posted by Liz : 8:39:00 PM
Whoa, well it's been a while since I last wrote. I'm really sorry, but I've had many problems with my new Team Sports class. We play everything from lacrose to kickball, whether it's rain or shine; hot or humid: The teachers don't care! I've gotten hurt to the point that I had to go to the doctor today. I have extremely soar knees, ankles, wrists, and my back is killing me. I get injured mostly from playing football and hockey. In football, the grass is so wet that you can't stay on your feet, so we all slide and fall everywhere. In hockey, people trip each other with the sticks and hit the ball/puck thingy really hard. I hope I survive. I got a doctor's excuse now though, so I don't have to play for a week =o) *jump*
I love music. I love acting. I love singing. I love dancing. I love musicals: they combine music, acting, singing, and dancing! I was involved with the last school play called "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying". It was a comedy/musical/drama. It was so much fun to do and see how it developed. The best part was the pit party...lol. Everyone who was there understands *wink*
June 13th was my dad's birthday! He turned ##. He's so sweet and deserves a great birthday. I treated him to a wonderful dinner. He deserved it cause he works so incredibly hard.
On my last day of Driver's Education, I learned that driving without sleep and driving drunk has the same effects. That's kinda scarey because I hardly sleep at all during the week. *looks at car worried*
Did you know? » After next summer, I'll need only 1 credit to graduate. Maybe I can do them over the internet. I can't wait to graduate!!! *jumps*
# posted by Liz : 6:49:00 PM