Well, I have disappeared for a while...I know. I'm neglecting my sites, but it's not because I chose to. I seriously am so incredibly busy. Let me sum up everything...
Alright, the first day of school was exciting. I got to see many people that I knew and I have at least two or three friends with me in each class. I also made it a goal to expand my friendship circle and start making new friends. I'm slowly working on that to this day...lol. I got TONS of homework from day one. My schedule is on the "About Liz" page. I have a test everyday in different classes. They all move full speed, since they are college level classes. I really didn't expect so much work. I went to Office Depot that same day and bought all my supplies. Boy, was there a lot... I also stopped by the library and got like 6 books that I needed to read by Sept 16 - which I'm also still working on. Luckily I got to pick my locker this year and got a top one in a convenient place.
On August 23, the Orchestra Retreat started. We watched Shrek and talked on Friday and then on Saturday we played games and then rehersed for our concert that afternoon. Everything went smoothly. Good!
Last Friday, August 30th, was the first football game and it was exciting because it lead us into a long Labor day Weekend. hehe....three days off is good =o). But of course, since I was staying up every night until 3am doing homework and then waking up at 5am (2 hours later) to FINISH my homework before school started, my immune system was low and I caught the flu from hel*. So, I spent the entire weekend in bed unable to move and breath...it REALLY sucked. By Monday I was a little better, so I went with my friend mini golfing for the first time in my life! It was fun because I won...haha. Then we went to the mall and walked around shopping. That made me feel better and I was ready to start school the next day.
This week has just been stressful. I've had like 4 tests EVERYDAY! It was just hectic because I was cramming the night before 4 different subjects that I knew nothing about. I failed a few, but I managed to pull an A on others...so it evens out...lol.
This weekend is Night of Joy! I'm leaving tomorrow morning to my friends house. Then the four of us are going to a Disney Hotel and spending it there until Sunday. It'll be nice. We have special access to Disney's Magic Kingdom, which is nice, because it won't be as crowded since it's for the special people ONLY! hehe...Plus, there's going to be a concert with LIVE bands...I still don't know who but I hope it's NSYNC or someone like that...lol.
Well, that's been everything! I'll tell you how Night of Joy goes when I get back....Oh, BTW, I'm probably not going to start working at the YMCA. I have absolutely NO TIME to do it. Darn...I really wanted to too.... =o/
# posted by Liz : 5:49:00 PM