

After 1 ½ hour phone call with mom

I don’t know what to say or feel. I’m just so confused; both happy, but crying with grief. I always knew my mom was hurting, but she hid the pain from me. She put a shield up hiding what she felt and only took in more and more, never telling me how badly she was interpreting things I did and never relieving the pain. What could I say now that she exposed a few? I felt so bad because the truth of her feelings were finally revealed and I had no way of making it better. I had only the harsh facts and my minding spinning crazily. Could I make things better? How? What should I do now? I only want to make everything ok, but that will take effort; something I’ve never been able to find easily inside of me. I don’t do well with change. But I know I’ll try, in the smallest, most detailed way, to help any way I can. If only she could know the feeling of happiness and proud ness I felt when she said that she would try communicating problems to me in a nice way after we cool off and not lecture, instead of blocking her feelings. I still don’t know what to do, but I know I will try. I feel that it’s my duty to make sure that my wonderful mother doesn’t leave this earth thinking that I never cared. Because I do. I have never stopped loving her, and although we have grown apart, I feel that this is because of a communication issue, and nothing else. She is still a wonderful and loving person, and deserves the best; just like she wants and has prepared for me. I want to make her proud. All I want right now is to make her proud. I want to have her look at me and get that feeling of “that’s my daughter”. I know my dad has felt it, but not my mom. Not as much and in the way that I want her to right now… When she started crying and her voice left, that made me cry. Seeing her cry is the most beautiful thing to me. Because it’s a crack in her wall. A small crack of light that shows me that she does care. That she cares more than anything else. That is enough. That is all I need right there at that moment. That will make me cut lose from the anger and see the other side of her. A side that is not exposed often, but the rarity of it makes it so incredibly beautiful. When she started crying today and she said “I planned this to be our vacation” (referring to the weekend trip to Miami which happens to be brother John’s birthday), I suddenly saw the light. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that it IS our vacation together. And then when she talked about life and mothers in general, I knew what she was feeling: because I have that feeling when I’m talking to Britney and I’m teaching her something or warning her about something, or just solving a problem with her. I know that feeling of wanting to transfer the knowledge and grasp you have over to the person you love because you don’t want to see hurt. And I cherish that feeling. I love it. I can’t quite explain anything about it. It just is. I think about everything….everything I’ve learned to this day. And realize that like my mom said “everyday you learn something new. I’m at 51 and I’m still learning new things. I look at how I treat people, how they treat me, and how they react to how I’ve treated them. And I learn. You always make mistakes, but you learn from them. And even if you make them again, you handle them differently.” God bless her for that.


Today was so busy! I spent the entire day working at the YMCA. It was so much fun though. There are about four guys that I have my eye on them, and they are totally flirting with me. I love it...hehe. It's awesome because they're trying to show off and end up looking really dumb. lol. It's the best feeling in thw world though, to know that they want to impress you. I get this feeling whenever they touch me. There's one in particular that makes me even kinda nervous at times. He gets really close and puts his hand on my hip. He has the most amazing muscle you've ever seen...*dreams off into lala land*. He gorgeous with his radiant blue eyes and light hair. I can't stop staring. Seriously...I hope he doesn't notice. =oP Well, I could go on for hours, but I won't do that...I'm only gonna enjoy what I have now until school starts. I might start literally working at the YMCA for money. It'll help me pay for all those little extras I want/need. =oD We'll see....but I'll definitely conitnue going to the gym daily and flirting....hehe....

This is where I work!

My new driver's license is on its way. Just a few more days until it becomes August 9th and I'll be able to take off alone =oD


Hey! Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Ha, well, I've been more busy than possible. Yup, I have a lot to tell ya, but there's no way that I'll be able to finish tonight. I'll tell you as I remember everything.

I haven't updated Photographic Kennelz since July 10th because everytime I have a minute, my server is down. Grr. At least I was able to update tonight. Not much, but some. My email account is shut down right now because I have too many emails. I'm emptying it out. I might use my second email address, lizzysplaces@hotmail.com, for a few things like adoptions and other big files. I'll make that decision based on how many emails are junk mail and how many are petz files.

I am really getting into that new artist Avril Lavgine. She's awesome because she's about my age [17] and her songs are very down-to-earth. They kinda tell stories about real life situations, that I've been in, so I can totally relate to them. Plus, the beat of the songs are really catchy and cute. Check out avrilfans.com for the latest on her.

Avril Lavigne

I started my community service hours at the Blanchard Park YMCA. I love working there. I need the hours for a scholarship at school, but it's not a bother at all. The YMCA, as you may already know is basically a gym that offers swimming, basketball, football, cheerleading, and a ton of other programs on top of the typical gym machines that are available there. The employees that are there are soooo nice!! I have never felt so at home before. The guys that go there to work out are incredibly adorable. What else can I say? oh yeah....WHY DIDN'T I START SOONER?!? Staring at cute guys all day and helping them get more muscles...that's the life *wink* *smile*

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