

A lot of important things are taking place this week. I just came back from my mom's house. She finally got cable with Time Warner. It was the first time I ever used Time Warner's digital plan. I have Adelphia at home, so I don't get the fancy remote with all the neat features. Anyway, I entertained myself at my mom's house with that.

I leave tomorrow morning to my brother's house in Weston. It's really nice down there and I finally get to spend some quality time with my brother, John. But the main reason for the visit, is my interning. See, I'm going to be interning at his office. He is an accountant and owns his own large business. I am going there on a mission to see if accounting is something I want to do in the future. In one way, I'd have a great future with it. I'd already have a great guide and somewhere to start. But, I'm personally not very inclined into math, so I want to get the most experience I can so that my decision later on is an intelligent one. I'll tell you more about it when I get back.

Besides working with my brother, I hope that we are able to enjoy some fishing and good old times out by the water. I'm looking foward to my trip. I hope it all goes well.

I went to the dentist today and left crying, by the way. Turns out that I don't have enough room for my wisdom teeth, so they'll be removed. I have a perfect bite right now thanks to two years of braces, and if I don't remove my wisdom teeth soon, they'll ruin it all. I am also going to start the Crest Whitening Strip treatment to whiten my teeth more. My dentist said that along with Rembrant tooth paste is the best for a brighter smile. *smile*


Buenos Dias! I just came home for a little bit to see Who's Line. I was at my mom's house, but since she just moved there she doesn't have cable yet. It kills me because I feel so secluded from society. I don't know anyone and frankly, her neighbors aren't interesting/cute enough to go and make conversation with [Yes, that sounds mean but I am picky about who I hang out with - I had bad experiences growing up]. Anyway, I am so happy to be home and be able to get on the computer. I might be leaving once again back to my mom's place so I might not write or update for a while. I decided to put the house picture below. Enjoy your day...consider yourself a lucky person...


Hey! Today was busy with my site. I re-did the majority of my images. PK is looking a lot better...or at least to me. Those nasty images were bugging me. I know that no else can tell the difference, but I am a perfectionist =o). Anywho, here's something to stare at:

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