Well, after about a week of blogger not working, it has decided to come back to life. I'm glad. Let me give you the scoop for the week. I went to school on Monday, July 1st, and we went bowling. Since my wrist was still a bit injured, I had problems aiming after the first two or three turns. So, my final score was 81 both times, which is pretty good considering my condition. Oh well, I guess it's ok not to break 100 every time. At least I had an excuse. Tuesday, July 2nd, after getting to school, I went ice skating for the first time in my life! Living in Florida, I have never even seen snow. So, it was a wonderful experience. I skated for 2 and a half hours straight and didn't fall once!! That made the experience even better. I am hoping to return with a few of my friends soon! It's so muich fun and it's a lot easier to do 360s than on rollar blades. The only bad part is the holes that people make on the ice with their skates. But once you get over that, it's wonderful! Wednesday, was my last day of summer school, finally! I went and played some cards really the whole day. It was nice to leave, but I know I'm going to miss the social contact. But we did all promise to keep in touch and go out together every once in a while. Yesterday, the 4th of July, I went to a fabulous party with my friend Britney at her aunt's house. It was so much fun! We played Badminton. It is an exciting game like tennis/volleyball except you play with a birdie instead of a ball. I also played volleyball, which was cool, and a few more games that were new to me. I honestly don't remember the names, but I know I'll do them again anyday.
Today I'm going to organize my house a little and go to my mom's house for a while. I might be there for the weekend, so I might not update until I get back. In the mean time, please take the invader zim quiz below!
# posted by Liz : 1:10:00 PM
I am working non-stop today to finish the remodel. I don't want to waste much time! I'll post it up by later today. Here's another scene from this morning's Who's Line marathon on Comedy Central.

# posted by Liz : 12:16:00 PM